
18 JAM





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Detailed exposition of profound biblical truths revealed for the first time in the history of this world by a bestselling author

  • Uncovers long-hidden truths in God's Word through thorough research.
  • Studies the Scriptures in its original language, Hebrew and Greek.
  • Merges world history and biblical history through the calculation of the years in the Bible.
  • Explains biblical controversies using the Bible itself.
  • Confirms the Bible’s authority as the infallible Word of God.
  • Reveals God's work of salvation through biblical figures and figures in world history.
  • Introduces the Bible as your own story.
  • Vividly demonstrates how the blood of Jesus that was shed 2,000 years ago still saves today.

Testimonials & Offering Songs

Dr. Bambang Noorsena

Middle Eastern Studies Scholar
and Christian-Islam Dialogue Activist

Sari Simorangkir

Christian Singer & Songwriter

Dae Sung (Big Bang)


Brigadier General
Jan C. Norris

311th Signal Command (Theater)
U.S. Army

Master Sergeant (Retired)
Eric D. Burton

IMCOM U.S. Army Garrison
Humphreys Pyeongtaek

Michael A. Hemming

Chief of Network Enterprise Center
in US Army

Elvis Ferdinand


Evy MS


Bernard Dinata

Singer, Songwriter,


12 sessions - 12 international speakers
Book 1-11 of the history of redemption series

Dr. Youn Doo Hee


D. Min., Berit Theological Seminary, USA
Penerjemah buku Seri Sejarah Penebusan

Dr. Philip Lee

(South Korea)

Th.D., Faith Theological Seminary, USA
D.Min., Knox Theological Seminary, USA
Professor of Faith Theological Seminary and Christian College, USA

Dr. Warren Gage


Ph.D., Philosophy & Literature, University of Dallas, USA
Former Dean & Director, Knox Theological Seminary, USA

Dr. Paul Kim


D.Min., Berit Theological Seminary, USA
D.Edu., Lael College and Graduate School, USA

Dr. Kirindeep Singh, BCL


D.Min., Berit Theological Seminary, USA
BCL, Oxford University, UK

Dr. John Dabney


D.Min., Berit Theological Seminary, USA
M.Div., Presbyterian General Assembly Theological Seminary, USA

Dr. John H. Kim


D.Min., Berit Theological Seminary, USA
Vice President (U.S) and Treasurer, HORA Ministries

Dr. Mary Park

(South Korea)

Th.D. (candidate), Faith Theological Seminary, USA
M.Div., Chongshin Theological Seminary, South Korea

Dr. Andrew Pak


D.Bs., Berit Theological Seminary, USA
B.A., California State University, USA

Dr. Samuel Kim


D.Min., Knox Theological Seminary, USA
B.A., Westmont College, USA

Allen Widjaja, M.Div.


M.Div., Berit Theological Seminary, USA
B.Com., Edith Cowan University, Australia

Dr. Jabez Park

(South Korea)

D.Min., Berit Theological Seminary, USA
BS - University of Central Florida


17 MAY

11.00 AM (GMT)
04 AM (PDT)
07 AM (EDT)


Introduction to the History of Redemption Series (Book 1-11)

Session 1 - Did Adam Repent?

Special Lecture - Dr. Warren Gage

18 MAY

11.00 AM (GMT)
04 AM (PDT)
07 AM (EDT)

Session 2 - The Covenant with Abraham is Our Covenant

Session 3 - Omissions in the Matthean Genealogy from the Perspective of the Administration of Redemption

19 MAY

11.00 AM (GMT)
04 AM (PDT)
07 AM (EDT)

Session 4 - Revealed for the first time in history: The Redemptive Administration of the Battles of Megiddo and Carchemish

Session 5 - The Redemptive-Historical Administration in the Babylonian Captivity and Return

20 MAY

11.00 AM (GMT)
04 AM (PDT)
07 AM (EDT)

Session 6 - Eternal High Priest of the Covenantal Oath

Session 7 - Moses' 8 Ascents of Mount Sinai

21 MAY

11.00 AM (GMT)
04 AM (PDT)
07 AM (EDT)

Session 8 - The Covenant of the Torch and the Consummation of the Kingdom of God

Session 9 - Tabernacle, The Way of Redemption

22 MAY

11.00 AM (GMT)
04 AM (PDT)
07 AM (EDT)

Session 10 - The Consummation of the Kingdom of God : The Ten Bestowals and Ten Commands

Session 11 - The Last Temple : The Temple of Ezekiel that We Must Enter in the End Times
